The transparency portal of the Príncipe Felipe Research Center Valencian Community Foundation provides the main information related to the governance of the CIPF and the development of its fundamental objectives. This helps guarantee the Center’s transparency and the right to freely access public information, in compliance with Valencian Community Law 2/2015, of April 2, on transparency, good governance, and citizen participation and Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information, and good governance.

    • Business name: Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe.
    • CIF: G46923421
    • Address: Calle de Eduado Primo Yúfera (científico), núm. 3. 46012 Valencia.
    • Statutes of the CIPF.
    • Organization chart.
    • Responsible for the Treatment: Valencian Foundation for Biomedical Research (hereinafter CIPF) with postal address c / Eduardo Primo Yúfera, number 3, 46012 Valencia and contact email address
    • Data Protection Officer: Enrique Fontes Vila – Email Address:
    • Rights of the Data Subject and exercise of the same: The interested person can exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation, portability and the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on the automated processing of personal data, by sending a request to the CIPF to the following addresses, indicating the right you exercise and providing a double-sided photocopy of your ID or legal identification document of your identity: Postal: c / Eduardo Primo Yúfera, number 3, 46012 Valencia. Electronic:
    • Claim before AEPD: The interested person can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection through the electronic headquarters accessible through the website In advance and voluntarily, the interested person can contact the CIPF data protection officer through the following email address
    • Download treatment activities record catalog (PDF)