Electron Microscopy

The Electron Microscopy Service enables high-magnification and high-resolution imaging of any biological sample through different processing techniques:

  • FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit Biotwin 120 kw transmission electron microscope.
  • Morada digital camera (EMSIS).
  • Gatan Cryo-TEM Holder (model: 626).
  • Gatan dry pumping station (model: 655).
  • Leica EM GP grid plunger.
  • Fischione tomography holder (model: 2020).
  • Leica EM FC6 cryochamber.
  • Leica UC6 ultramicrotome.
  • Leica ULTRACUT R ultramicrotome.
  • Leica VT1000S vibratome.
  • Leica EM AFS freeze substitution and low temperature embedding system.
  • Leica EM TRIM specimen trimming device.
  • Baltec MED 020 evaporation system.
  • Negative staining procedures.
  • Embedding in resin.
  • Cutting semi-thin and ultrathin sections.
  • Descriptive study of samples through transmission electron microscopy.
  • Cryotransmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) of vitrified samples.
  • Immunogold analysis of extracellular vesicles.

Find out more about our imaging services here:

    Mario Soriano


    963289680 ext. 4205, 4309, 2109