FBR: Markus Morrison

02dec12:3013:30FBR: Markus MorrisonChoice cuts of death

Event Details

Choice cuts of death

Speaker: Markus Morrison
Institution: Director of the Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology & Director of the Stuttgart Research Center Systems Biology, University of Stuttgart.
Place: Jerónimo Forteza conference room, CIPF


Cells are the fundamental unit of life and are exposed to a great diversity of external and internal stress factors. These stress factors and responses thereon allow cells to adapt to altering environmental conditions, yet excessive stress also carries the danger of irrevocable damage. Such damaged cells as well as developmentally superfluous cells are removed from the bodies of multi-cellular organisms by molecularly “programmed” cell death modalities such as apoptosis. Since such decisions are binary in nature (survival vs. death), cells need to be able to appropriately sense and integrate the diversity of stress signals they receive context-dependently and also must be capable of converting them into the execution of strict life/death decisions. We are interested in the fundamental control mechanisms that govern cellular life/death signaling in time and space, the molecular patterns associated with differential cell fate outcomes as well as their link to tumor cell drug responses and patient prognosis. As such, I will offer a selection of choice cuts of death (and survival) research, from which you will be able to pick your favourites for presentation and discussion.




02.12.2022 12:30 - 13:30(GMT+02:00)


Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe

Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 3 Valencia Spain

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