
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Core Facilities Publications

  • Tello C, Darling A, Lupo V, Pérez-Dueñas B, Espinós C. On the complexity of clinical and molecular bases of neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation. 2018. Clin Genet; 93: 731-40.
  • Calpena E, López del Amo V, Chakraborty M, Llamusí B, Artero R, Espinós C, Galindo MI. The Drosophila junctophilin gene is functionally equivalent to its four mammalian counterparts and is a modifier of a Huntingtin poly-Q expansion and the Notch pathway. 2018. Dis Model Mech; 11 (1). doi: 10.1242/dmm.029082.
  • Abbott JA, Meyer-Schuman R, Lupo V, Feely S, Mademan I, Oprescu SN, Griffin LB, Alberti MA, Casasnovas C, Aharoni S, Basel-Vanagaite L, Züchner S, De Jonghe P, Baets J, Shy M, Espinós C, Demeler B, Antonellis A, Francklyn C. Substrate interaction defects in histidyl-tRNA synthetase linked to dominant axonal peripheral neuropathy. 2018. Hum Mut; 39: 415-32.
  • Frasquet M, Lupo V, Chumillas MJ, Vázquez-Costa JF, Espinós C, Sevilla T. Phenotypical features of two patients diagnosed with PHARC syndrome and carriers of a new homozygous mutation in tha ABHD12 gene. 2018. J Neurol Sci; 387: 134-138.
  • Machuca-Arellano M, Vílches A, Clemente E, Pascual-Pascual SI, Bolinches-Amorós A, Artero-Castro A, Espinós C, León-Rodríguez M, Jendelova P, Erceg S. Generation of a human iPSC line from a patient with autosomal recessive spastic ataxia de Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) caused by a mutation in SACSIN gene. 2018. Stem Cell Res; 31: 249-252.
  • Lupo V, Frasquet M, Sánchez-Monteagudo A, Pelayo-Negro A, García-Sobrino T, Sedano MJ, Pardo J, Misiego M, García-García J, Sobrido MJ, Martínez-Rubio D, Chumillas MJ, Vílchez JJ, Vázquez-Costa JF, Espinós C, Sevilla T. Characterizing the phenotype and mode of inheritance of patients with inherited peripheral neuropathies carrying MME mutations. 2018. J Med Genet;
  • Machuca-Arellano C, Vilches A, Clemente E, Pascual-Pascual SI, Bolinches-Amorós A, Artero-Castro A, Espinós C, León-Rodríguez M, Jendelova P, Erceg S. Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line from an unaffected female carrier of mutation in SACSIN gene. 2018. Stem Cell Res (accepted).
  • Palomino-Schätzlein M, Simó R, Hernández C, Ciudin A, Mateos-Gregorio P, Hernández-Mijares A, Pineda-Lucena A, Herance JR. Metabolic fingerprint of insulin resistance in human polymorphonuclear leucocytes. 2018. PLoS One. Jul 13;13(7): e0199351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199351. eCollection 2018.
  • Armiñán A, Palomino-Schätzlein M, Deladriere C, Arroyo-Crespo JJ, Vicente-Ruiz S, Vicent MJ, Pineda-Lucena A. Metabolomics facilitates the discrimination of the specific anti-cancer effects of free- and polymer-conjugated doxorubicin in breast cancer models. Biomaterials. 2018 Apr;162:144-153. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.02.015. Epub 2018 Feb 8.
  • J. Arroyo, C. Deladriere, E. Masiá, V. J. Nebot, A. Paul, A. Armiñán, M.J. Vicent. “Anticancer Activity Driven by Drug Linker Modification in a Polyglutamic Acid-based Combination-drug Conjugate. 2018. Advanced Functional Materials; 28: 1800931.
  • Juan J. Arroyo-Crespo, Ana Armiñán, David Charbonnier, Leandro Balzano-Nogueira, Francisco Huertas-López, Cristina Martí, Sonia Tarazona, Jerónimo Forteza, Ana Conesa, María J. Vicent. Tumor Microenvironment-Targeted poly-L-glutamic acid-based Combination Conjugate for Enhanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment. 2018. Biomaterials 186: 8-21.
  • Juan J. Arroyo-Crespo, Ana Armiñán, David Charbonnier, Jerónimo Forteza, M. Palomino-Schätzlein, Rubén Lamas-Domingo, A. Pineda-Lucena, María J. Vicent. “Characterization of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Preclinical Models Provides Functional Evidence of Metastatic Progression”. Under revision (International Journal of Cancer).
  • Armiñán, M. Palomino-Schatzlein, C. Deladriere, Juan J. Arroyo-Crespo, S. Vicente-Ruiz, M. Jesús Vicent. Metabolomics facilitates the discrimination of the specific anticancer effects of free- and polymer-conjugated doxorubicin in breast cancer models. 2018. Biomaterials. Apr;162:144-153.
  • Búsqueda de criterios de bienestar animal: un objetivo, dos actores. Nerea Marin Izquierdo, Marta Casado Pinna. 2018. Animales de laboratorio. 76: 20-21.
  • Martinez J, Bisbal V, Marin N, Cano A, Gomez R. Noninvasive monitoring of lesion progression in a heterologous mouse model of endometriosis. J Vis Exp. 2018 In Press.
  • Protocolo anestésico en modelo animal de cirugía cardiaca con circulación extracorpórea. Nerea Marin Izquierdo, Viviana Bisbal Velasco. 2018. Animales de laboratorio. (Accepted).
  • Barrios C, Lloris JM, Alonso J, Maruenda B, Burgos J, Llombart-Blanco R, Gil L, Bisbal V. Novel porcine experimental model of severe progressive thoracic scoliosis with compensatory curves induced by interpedicular bent rigid temporary tethering. J Orthop Res. 2018 Jan;36(1):174-182.
  • Cases Viedma E, Flandes Aldeyturriaga J, Martínez Tomás R; Fernández-Navamuel Basozabal I, Briones Gómez A, Alfayate Sánchez J, Marin Izquierdo N, Moragon Carretero A, Bengoechea Calafell A, Amara Elori I, Bisbal Velasco V. The use of the SuperDimension electromagnetic navigator for the placement of coils for lung volume reduction. In Review. 2017.
  • Forcada-Nadal A, Palomino-Schätzlein M, Neira JL, Pineda-Lucena A, Rubio V. The PipX Protein, When Not Bound to Its Targets, Has Its Signaling C-Terminal Helix in a Flexed Conformation. Biochemistry. 2017 Jun 27;56(25):3211-3224.
  • Fortuño MA, Nieto A, de la Cueva E, Parra L. A Model for a Biobank of Animal Tissues for Biomedical Research. 2017. Laboratory Animals. 51(3): 331-333.
  • García-Sobrino T, Blanco-Arias P, Palau F, Espinós C, Ramírez L, Estela A, San Millán B, Arias M, Sobrido MJ, Pardo J. Phenotypical features of a new dominant GDAP1 pathogenic variant (p.R226del) in axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Neuromuscul Disord 2017; 27: 667-72.
  • López Del Amo V, Palomino-Schätzlein M, Seco-Cervera M, García-Giménez JL, Pallardó FV, Pineda-Lucena A, Galindo MI. A Drosophila model of GDAP1 function reveals the involvement of insulin signalling in the mitochondria-dependent neuromuscular degeneration. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2017 Mar;1863(3):801-809.
  • Marín Izquierdo N y Casado Pinna M. Búsqueda de criterios de bienestar animal: un objetivo, dos actors. Animales de laboratorio, num 76: marzo 2018.
  • Mathur D, María-Lafuente E, Ureña-Peralta JR, Sorribes L, Hernández A, Casanova B, López-Rodas G, Coret-Ferrer F, Burgal-Marti M. Disturbed Glucose Metabolism in Rat Neurons Exposed to Cerebrospinal Fluid Obtained from Multiple Sclerosis Subjects. Brain Sci. 2017 21:8(1). pii: E1.
  • O’Connor Blasco JE, Herrera Martín G, Jávega B, Martínez Romero A. Models for Immune Aging. Handbook of Models on Human Aging. Academic Press, New York, 2017.
  • O’Connor JE; Herrera G, Sala-de-Oyanguren F, Jávega B, Martínez-Romero A. Cytomics of Oxidative Stress: Probes and Problems. Single Cell Analysis. Springer, 2017.
  • Palomino-Schätzlein M, García H, Gutiérrez-Carcedo P, Pineda-Lucena A, Herance JR. Correction: Assessment of gold nanoparticles on human peripheral blood cells by metabolic profiling with 1H-NMR spectroscopy, a novel translational approach on a patient-specific basis. PLoS One. 2017 Dec 11;12(12):e0189748.
  • Palomino-Schätzlein M, Brailsford AD, Parella T, Pérez-Trujillo M. Response to Comment on “Direct Monitoring of Exogenous γ-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Body Fluids by NMR Spectroscopy”: Several Issues to Consider When Quantifying γ-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Biological Matrixes. Anal Chem. 2018 Jan 2;90(1):1046-1047. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b04473. Epub 2017 Dec 19.
  • Palomino-Schätzlein M, García H, Gutiérrez-Carcedo P, Pineda-Lucena A, Herance JR. Assessment of gold nanoparticles on human peripheral blood cells by metabolic profiling with 1H-NMR spectroscopy, a novel translational approach on a patient-specific basis. PLoS One. 2017 Aug 9;12(8):e0182985.
  • Palomino-Schätzlein M, Wang Y, Brailsford AD, Parella T, Cowan DA, Legido-Quigley C, Pérez-Trujillo M. Direct Monitoring of Exogenous γ-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Body Fluids by NMR Spectroscopy. Anal Chem. 2017 Aug 15;89(16):8343-8350.
  • Rombouts FJR, Alexander R, Cleiren E, De Groot A, Carpentier M, Dijkmans J, Fierens K, Masure S, Moechars D, Palomino-Schätzlein M, Pineda-Lucena A, Trabanco AA, Van Glabbeek D, Vos A, Tresadern G. Fragment Binding to β-Secretase 1 without Catalytic Aspartate Interactions Identified via Orthogonal Screening Approaches. ACS Omega. 2017 Feb 28;2(2):685-697.
  • Sancho P, Sánchez-Monteagudo A, Collado A, Marco-Marín C, Domínguez C, Camacho A, Knecht E, Espinós C, Lupo V. A newly distal hereditary motor neuropathy caused by a rare AIFM1 mutation. Neurogenetics 2017; 18: 245-50.
  • Sivera R, Frasquet M, Barreiro M, García-Sobrino T, Pardo J, Fernández R, López de Muniaín A, Márquez C, Rojas R, Segovia S, Lia A, Nascimento A, Córtez C, García- Romero M, Pascual SI, Guerrero A, Casasnovas C, Camacho A, Esteban J, Lupo V, Chumillas MJ, Díaz C, Palau F, Vílchez JJ, Espinós C, Sevilla T. GDAP1 mutations in Spain, a nationwide study. Scientific Reports 2017; 7:6677.
  • I Casanova; E Masiá; A Armiñán; A Calatrava; C Mancarella; J Rubio; K Scotlandi; MJ Vicent; JA López. miR-187 targets the androgen-regulated gene ALDH1A3 in prostate cancer. PLoS One. 10(5), e0125576.
  • O Iglesias García; S Baumgartner; L Macri Pellizzeri; JR Rodriguez Madoz; G Abizanda; E Guruceaga; E Albiasu; D Corbacho; C Benavides Vallve; M Soriano Navarro; S Gonzalez Granero; JJ Gavira; B Krausgrill; M Rodriguez Mañero; JM García Verdugo; C Ortiz de Solorzano; M Halbach; J Hescheler; B Pelacho; F Prosper. Neuregulin-1β induces mature ventricular cardiac differentiation from induced pluripotent stem cells contributing to cardiac tissue repair. Stem Cells Dev. 24 (4), pp. 484 – 496. 01/02/2015.
  • Palomino-Schätzlein M, Pineda-Lucena A. Metabolomic Applications to the Characterization of the Mode-of-Action of CDK Inhibitors. Methods Mol Biol. 2016, 1336, 211-23.
  • Puchades-Carrasco L, Palomino-Schätzlein M, Pérez-Rambla C, Pineda-Lucena A. Bioinformatics tools for the analysis of NMR metabolomics studies focused on the identification of clinically relevant biomarkers. Brief Bioinform. 2015 Sep 4. pii: bbv077. [Epub ahead of print].
  • J O’Connor, G Herrera, A Martínez-Romero, F Sala de Oyanguren, L Díaz, A Gomes, S Balaguer, RC. Callaghan. Systems Biology and immune aging. Imm Letters, 162: 1: 334-345. 2015.
  • A Martínez-Varea, B Pellicer, V Serra, D Hervás-Marín, A Martínez-Romero, J Bellver, A Perales-Marín and A Pellicer. The maternal cytokine and chemokine profile of naturally-conceived gestations is mainly preserved during in vitro fertilization and egg donation pregnancies. J Immunol Res. 2015:128616. doi: 10.1155/2015/128616. Epub 2015 Aug 9.
  • Soto-Cerrato, V; Manuel-Manresa, P; Hernando, E; Calabuig-Fariñas, S; Martinez-Romero, A; Fernandez, V; Sahlholm, K; Knopfel, T; Garcia-Valverde, M; Rodilla, A; Jantus-Lewintre, E; Farras, R; Ciruela, F; Perez-Tomas, R; Quesada, R. Facilitated Anion Transport Induces Hyperpolarization of the Cell Membrane that Triggers Differentiation and Cell Death in Cancer Stem Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society. En prensa.
  • RJ Griffeth; D Garcia Parraga; M Mellado Lopez; JL Crespo Picazo; M Soriano Navarro; A Martinez Romero; V Moreno. Platelet rich plasma and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for regenerative medicine. Associated treatments in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates). PLoS One. 9 (9), 24/09/2015.
  • L Macri Pellizzeri; B Pelacho; A Sancho; O Iglesias García; AM Simón Yarza; M Soriano Navarro; S Gonzalez Granero; JM Garcia Verdugo; EM De Juan Pardo; F Prosper. Substrate stiffness and composition specifically direct differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells. Tissue Eng Part A. 21 (9-10), pp. 1633 – 1641. 01/03/2015.
  • Sandra Pinto, Alicia Martínez-Romero, José-Enrique O’Connor, Rosario Gil-Benso, Teresa San-Miguel, Liria Terrádez, Carlos Monteagudo and Robert C Callaghan. Intracellular coexpression of CXC- and CC– chemokine receptors and their ligands in human melanoma cell lines and dynamic variations after xenotransplantation. 2014. BMC Cancer, 14:118-132.
  • Richard J. Griffeth, Daniel García-Párraga, Maravillas Mellado-López, José Luis Crespo-Picazo, Mario Soriano-Navarro, Alicia Martínez-Romero, Victoria Moreno-Manzano. Platelet-Rich Plasma and Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine-Associated Treatments in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). 2014. PLoS ONE,Volume 9(9), e108439.
  • José-Enrique O´Connor, Guadalupe Herrera, Alicia Martínez-Romero, Francisco Sala de Oyanguren, Laura Díaz, Angela Gomes, Susana Balaguer, Robert C. Callaghan. Systems Biology and immune aging. 2014. Immunology Letters, 162: 1(B): 334-345.

Scientific Announcements

  • Darling A, Aguilera S, Tomás-Vila M, Camino León R, Fernández-Ramos J, Jiménez Escrig A, O’Callaghan M, Ortez C, Nascimiento A, Candau R, Madruga M, Arrabal L, Roldán S, Garrido C, Tello C, Lupo V, Huisman AGM, Poretti A, Espinós C, Pérez-Dueñas B (2017) Clinical, radiological and genetic characterization of PLA2G6-associated neurodegeneration. 12th European Paediatric Neurology Society Congress. Lyon.
  • Dolz I, Masiá E, Morelló-Bolumar D, Sallam M, Nebot VJ, Vicent MJ. Development of Polymer Therapeutics for the treatment of skin diseases. II Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Biomedicina (IV Congreso de Biomedicina Predocs Valencia), Valencia.
  • Espinós C, Tello C, Lupo V, Fernández-Rodríguez S, Sánchez-Monteagudo A, Darling A, Pérez-Dueñas B (2017) Dificultad del diagnóstico genético de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas con acumulación cerebral de hierro. LXIX Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Neurología. Valencia.
  • Fernández-Rodríguez S, Lupo V, Tello C, Sancho P, Ramírez L, Darling A, Pérez-Dueñas, Espinós C (2017) Mutations in the DLD and FBXO7 genes could cause neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation. II Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Biomedicina. Valencia.
  • Masiá Sanchis E. Research and innovation on extracellular vesicles/exosomes. March 8th, 2017.Badalona.
  • Masiá Sanchis E. Tumor-derived exosome release as novel target to identify effective anticancer combination therapies for metastatic processes. Sept 19-21th, 2017. Madrid.
  • Masiá Sanchis E. Itinerario profesional con destino hacia la Investigación Científica. March 30th, 2017. Instituto Formación Profesional Ciudad del aprendiz.
  • Sancho P, Lupo V, García-García F, Ramírez-Jiménez L, Sevilla T, Chrast R, Espinós C (2017) Global transcriptome analyses reveal a key role for MORC2 in the axonal metabolism. 2017 PNS (Peripheral Nerve Society) Annual Meeting. Sitges.
  • Sancho P, Sánchez-Monteagudo A, Collado-Padilla A, Marco C, Domínguez C, Camacho A, Knecht E, Espinós C, Lupo V (2017). The AIFM1 p.F210S mutation causes and apoptotic failure and activation of senescent program in fibroblasts derived from patient biopsies. 2017 PNS (Peripheral Nerve Society) Annual Meeting. Sitges.
  • Sánchez-Monteagudo A, Lupo V, Martínez I, Sastre I, Berenguer M, Espinós C (2017) Targeted massive parallel sequencing of whole ATP7B gene to improve genetic diagnosis of Wilson’s disease. II Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Biomedicina. Valencia.
  • Tello C, Darling A, Lupo V, Pérez-Dueñas B, Espinós C (2017) Bases genéticas de enfermedades neurodegenerativas con acumulación cerebral de hierro. I Congreso Interdisciplinar en Genética Humana. Madrid.
  • Tello C, Lupo V, Fernández-Rodríguez S, Sánchez-Monteagudo A, Darling A, Pérez-Dueñas B, Espinós C (2017) Genetic bais of neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation. II Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Biomedicina. Valencia.
  • Vicent Docon MJ. Tumor-derived exosome release as novel target to identify effective anticancer combination therapies for metastatic processes. July 2-4th 2017. Budapest, Hungary.
  • PrizeWinner, E. Jantus-Lewintre, S. Calabuig-Fariñas, E. Escorihuela, R. Guijarro, M. Martorell, R. Lucas, E. Masiá, D. Charbonnier, M. J. Vicent, R. Farrás, C. Camps. Lung tumorspheres as a platform for testing new therapeutic strategies in lung cancer. VII Spanish Drug Discovery Network meeting. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Calpena Corpas, E.; López del Amo, V.; Lupo, V.; Sevilla Mantecón, T.; Palau Martínez, F.; Galindo Orozco, M.I.; Espinós Armero, C. Niveles alterados de expresión de Juntofilina-1 modifican el cuadro clínico en pacientes con enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo 2K. LXVII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Neurología. 2015.
  • Espinós Armero, C.; Calpena Corpas, E.; Álamo Arenas, A.; Schlemeyer, T.; Galindo Orozco, M.I.; Lupo, V. NGS y neuropatías periféricas hereditarias: cómo lograr un diagnóstico genético concluyente. LXVII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Neurología. 2015.
  • Bisbal V; A. Alastrue; E. Lopez; V. Moreno-Manzano. Chronic spinal cord injury animal model. XIII Congreso SECAL. 2015.
  • V. Bisbal. A new porcine experimental model of severe progressive thoracic scoliosis induced by interpedicular bent rigid temporary tethering. A pilot study. Eurospine 2015 SRS Annual Meeting.